JEF Indicator
(JEF Indicator is currently under preparation for launching)
The Jordanian Economic Forum will launch the Jordanian Economic Health Index, which aims to monitor the economic performance of Jordan on a quarterly basis by reviewing the progress and regression of the various main pillars that make up the index, including the public finance pillar and its indicators, the monetary policy pillar and its indicators, the labor market pillar, foreign trade, investment … etc.
Accordingly, advice and solutions will be provided to policymakers, investors, economists, or any person who’s interested in the Jordanian economy, from a holistic view to all policies related to the national economy and the results of indicators on the ground.

Contributing to increasing the competitiveness of the Jordanian economy.
Promote the achievement of SDGs.
Positive interaction andon complementarity with partners.
To be a house of expertise influencing economic affairs.
It strives towards inclusive sustainable growth which directly reflects on the Jordanian society by address-ing current economic challenges, the most