Ms. Malak Al Aqeili
How to become a productive country that has a sustainable digital economy
Dr. Khair Abu Sai’lik
The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on unemployment rates.
Mr. Mohand Shahadeh
The impact of customs reform on the business environment
Dr. Adali Qandeh
A member of the Board of Directors of the Jordanian Economic Forum and Chairman of the Strategy and Studies Committee of the Forum, Dr. Adli Qandah,entitled
Mr. Marwan Juma’a
Business incubators and the extent of their contribution in supporting the Jordanian economy
Mr. Ismail AL Saudi
The real estate sector in Jordan
Dr. Adli Qandah
The engines of economic growth in Jordan
Mr. Ali Hayder Murad
The retail sector and its economic importance
Mr. Basil Izzat Marji
The Energy Sector in Jordan: Reality and Challenges
Mr. Mohammad Al Qaryouti
Challenging safeguards for micro, small and medium companies
Mr. Issa Haider Murad
Free trade agreements and free zones and their contribution to Jordanian exports
Ms. Lynn Malkawi
Entrepreneurial companies and their impact on economic growth.
Mr. Mazen Al Hmoud
The development paths of the tourism sector and the impact of
the Corona pandemic on impeding the
Dr. Raja’i Ma’ashar
The paradox between the global crisis of 2008 and the COVID-19 crisis
Mr. Salameh Al Dar’awi
The interlinkages between challenges to economic growth